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- Xanthurus Parrotfish
- Xantus Swimming Crab
- Xantus’ Murrelet (Marine bird)
- Xantus’ Swimming Crab
- Xenichthys (A genus of marine fish in the grunt family)
- Xenicibis (Marine bird that hunts near water)
- Xenocarcinus (Arrow Crab species)
- Xenochromis (Brackish water cichlid species)
- Xenocyprioides (Brackish and freshwater fish genus)
- Xenodermichthys (Deep-sea ridgehead fish)
- Xenodermichthys copei (Cope’s Ridgehead fish)
- Xenojulis (A genus of marine wrasses)
- Xenomystax (Deep-sea eel genus)
- Xenopterygii (Flying fish-related species)
- Xenopus (Aquatic frog species, found in estuaries)
- Xenosynechelys (A type of deep-sea eel)
- Xenotilapia (A genus of cichlid fish, some in brackish waters)
- Xestospongia (A genus of marine sponges, including barrel sponges)
- Xiphanema (Marine nematode worm species)
- Xiphias Gladius (Scientific name for Swordfish)
- Xiphias (A genus of billfish, including swordfish)
- Xiphasia (A genus of snake blennies)
- Xiphocheilus (A genus of marine gobies)
- Xiphosura (Horseshoe crab family)
- Xiphophorus (Brackish water fish species related to swordtails and platys)
- Xyrichtys (A genus of razorfish, found in reefs and shallow waters)
- Xyloplax (A deep-sea starfish-like echinoderm species)