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- Vague (unclear, lacking detail)
- Vain (full of self-admiration, conceited)
- Vapid (dull, uninteresting)
- Vengeful (desiring revenge, spiteful)
- Venomous (poisonous, filled with hate)
- Verbose (using too many words, long-winded)
- Vexed (annoyed, frustrated)
- Vicious (cruel, violent)
- Vindictive (seeking revenge, spiteful)
- Violent (using force, aggressive)
- Virulent (extremely harmful, toxic)
- Vulnerable (easily hurt, defenseless)
- Voracious (excessively greedy, insatiable)
- Vacant (empty, lacking intelligence or expression)
- Vacillating (indecisive, wavering)
- Vagabondish (wandering, unstable, unreliable)
- Valueless (worthless, without significance)
- Vanishing (disappearing, unreliable)
- Vapidly unoriginal (dull and lacking creativity)
- Variable (inconsistent, unreliable)
- Vehement (overly intense, aggressive)
- Veiled (hidden in a deceptive way)
- Vengefully bitter (holding grudges, unable to let go)
- Venal (corrupt, open to bribery)
- Venomously hostile (extremely hateful or angry)
- Verbally abusive (harsh, insulting in speech)
- Verminous (infested, filthy)
- Versatile (when used negatively to mean inconsistent or untrustworthy)
- Vexing (annoying, irritating)
- Vicarious (when used negatively to mean overly involved in others’ lives)
- Viciously aggressive (excessively forceful, cruel)
- Victimized (frequently suffering unfair treatment)
- Viewless (lacking direction or opinion)
- Vindictively petty (unreasonably vengeful over small things)
- Violative (breaking rules, disrespectful of boundaries)
- Vitriolic (filled with bitter criticism or malice)
- Volatile (unstable, explosive)
- Voraciously greedy (excessively consuming, never satisfied)
- Vulturous (preying on others, exploitative)
- Vulgar (offensive, crude)