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- Tacky (cheap-looking, in bad taste)
- Tactless (insensitive, lacking social awareness)
- Tainted (corrupted, spoiled)
- Tame (when used negatively to mean dull or uninspiring)
- Tangled (confused, chaotic)
- Tardy (late, delayed)
- Tasteless (lacking refinement, crude)
- Tattered (worn out, ragged)
- Tawdry (showy but cheap and of poor quality)
- Tedious (boring, overly long)
- Tempting (when leading to something bad)
- Tense (stressed, anxious)
- Terrible (awful, extremely bad)
- Terrifying (causing extreme fear)
- Testy (easily irritated, grumpy)
- Thankless (unappreciated, unrewarding)
- Thorny (difficult, problematic)
- Thoughtless (careless, inconsiderate)
- Thuggish (violent, aggressive)
- Timid (overly shy, lacking confidence)
- Tired (exhausted, lacking energy)
- Tiresome (annoyingly repetitive, boring)
- Toxic (harmful, poisonous)
- Tragic (disastrous, deeply sad)
- Trapped (stuck, unable to escape)
- Trashy (low quality, cheap)
- Traumatized (deeply hurt emotionally)
- Treacherous (deceitful, dangerous)
- Troubling (causing concern or worry)
- Trifling (insignificant, unimportant in a dismissive way)
- Trite (overused, unoriginal)
- Troublesome (causing problems, difficult)
- Tumultuous (chaotic, disorderly)
- Turbulent (unsteady, stormy)
- Tyrannical (oppressive, dictatorial)
- Tacky-looking (cheap and poorly made)
- Taut (stretched too tightly, tense)
- Tattered-looking (worn out, shabby)
- Tearful (full of sorrow, crying)
- Tempestuous (emotionally turbulent, stormy)
- Terribly weak (extremely lacking strength)
- Thick-headed (stubborn, slow-witted)
- Threatening (intimidating, scary)
- Thriftless (wasteful, spending foolishly)
- Throbbing (when referring to pain or discomfort)
- Time-consuming (taking too long, inefficient)
- Timorous (fearful, hesitant)
- Tiny-minded (narrow-minded, petty)
- Torturous (causing extreme suffering)
- Totalitarian (overly controlling, oppressive)
- Tragicomic (both sad and ridiculous)
- Trampled (crushed, treated poorly)
- Transient (when used negatively to mean unstable or short-lived)
- Trapped-in-the-past (refusing to move forward)
- Tricksy (deceptive, sneaky)
- Trounced (defeated badly, overwhelmed)
- Truculent (aggressively defiant, hostile)
- Turbid (murky, unclear)
- Turned-off (repelled, uninterested)
- Twisted (distorted, mentally disturbed)