1. Yacht Goby
  2. Yabby (Freshwater but some species tolerate brackish water)
  3. Yellow Angelfish
  4. Yellow Boxfish
  5. Yellow Clownfish
  6. Yellow Edged Moray Eel
  7. Yellow Eye Mullet
  8. Yellow Goatfish
  9. Yellow Grouper
  10. Yellow Jack Fish
  11. Yellow Margin Moray Eel
  12. Yellow Moray
  13. Yellow Parrotfish
  14. Yellow Prawn Goby
  15. Yellow Snapper
  16. Yellow Stingray
  17. Yellow Striped Goatfish
  18. Yellow Tang
  19. Yellow Tilefish
  20. Yellow Toothed Moray
  21. Yellowfin Barracuda
  22. Yellowfin Croaker
  23. Yellowfin Goatfish
  24. Yellowfin Grouper
  25. Yellowfin Mojarra
  26. Yellowfin Surgeonfish
  27. Yellowfin Tuna
  28. Yellowhead Jawfish
  29. Yellowhead Moray
  30. Yellowhead Wrasse
  31. Yellowmouth Moray
  32. Yellowtail Amberjack
  33. Yellowtail Angelfish
  34. Yellowtail Barracuda
  35. Yellowtail Clownfish
  36. Yellowtail Damselfish
  37. Yellowtail Fangblenny
  38. Yellowtail Fusilier
  39. Yellowtail Parrotfish
  40. Yellowtail Rockfish
  41. Yellowtail Scad
  42. Yellowtail Snapper
  43. Yellowtail Surgeonfish
  44. Yellowtail Wrasse
  45. Yeti Crab
  46. Yoke Tuskfish
  47. Yolk Jellyfish
  48. Yongeichthys (A genus of gobies found in marine and brackish waters)
  49. Y-patterned Moray Eel
  50. Yucatan Molly (Brackish water species)

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