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- Yacht Goby
- Yabby (Freshwater but some species tolerate brackish water)
- Yellow Angelfish
- Yellow Boxfish
- Yellow Clownfish
- Yellow Edged Moray Eel
- Yellow Eye Mullet
- Yellow Goatfish
- Yellow Grouper
- Yellow Jack Fish
- Yellow Margin Moray Eel
- Yellow Moray
- Yellow Parrotfish
- Yellow Prawn Goby
- Yellow Snapper
- Yellow Stingray
- Yellow Striped Goatfish
- Yellow Tang
- Yellow Tilefish
- Yellow Toothed Moray
- Yellowfin Barracuda
- Yellowfin Croaker
- Yellowfin Goatfish
- Yellowfin Grouper
- Yellowfin Mojarra
- Yellowfin Surgeonfish
- Yellowfin Tuna
- Yellowhead Jawfish
- Yellowhead Moray
- Yellowhead Wrasse
- Yellowmouth Moray
- Yellowtail Amberjack
- Yellowtail Angelfish
- Yellowtail Barracuda
- Yellowtail Clownfish
- Yellowtail Damselfish
- Yellowtail Fangblenny
- Yellowtail Fusilier
- Yellowtail Parrotfish
- Yellowtail Rockfish
- Yellowtail Scad
- Yellowtail Snapper
- Yellowtail Surgeonfish
- Yellowtail Wrasse
- Yeti Crab
- Yoke Tuskfish
- Yolk Jellyfish
- Yongeichthys (A genus of gobies found in marine and brackish waters)
- Y-patterned Moray Eel
- Yucatan Molly (Brackish water species)