- Icefish
- Ice Goby
- Iceberg Crab
- Ice Jellyfish
- Ice Skater Shrimp
- Indian Anchovy
- Indian Glassy Fish
- Indian Halibut
- Indian Lobster
- Indian Mackerel
- Indian Moonfish
- Indian Ocean Anglerfish
- Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin
- Indian Ocean Crab
- Indian Ocean Cuttlefish
- Indian Ocean Flying Fish
- Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin
- Indian Ocean Lobster
- Indian Ocean Moray Eel
- Indian Ocean Octopus
- Indian Ocean Pufferfish
- Indian Ocean Seahorse
- Indian Ocean Shark
- Indian Ocean Squid
- Indian Ocean Trevally
- Indian Prawn
- Indian River Shad
- Indian Sand Perch
- Indian Sand Whiting
- Indian Sea Anemone
- Indian Sea Cucumber
- Indian Sea Slug
- Indian Sea Star
- Indian Sea Urchin
- Indian Snapper
- Indian Squid
- Indian Surgeonfish
- Indian Threadfish
- Indian Triggerfish
- Indian Yellowfin Tuna
- Indian Yellowtail Angelfish
- Inflated Scallop
- Inshore Hagfish
- Inshore Lizardfish
- Isle Grouper
- Island Anchovy
- Island Barracuda
- Island Butterflyfish
- Island Flounder
- Island Grouper
- Island Lobster
- Island Moray
- Island Octopus
- Island Parrotfish
- Island Sand Dollar
- Island Scorpionfish
- Island Snapper
- Island Sturgeon
- Island Trevally
- Isopod
- Ivory Barnacle
- Ivory Cone Snail
- Ivory Coralline Algae
- Ivory Gull (marine scavenger)
- Ivory Sea Cucumber
- Ivory Sea Fan
- Ivory Shell
- Ivory Sponge
- Ivory Starfish
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