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- Sad
- Savage
- Scandalous
- Scared
- Scarred
- Scathing
- Scheming
- Scornful
- Scrappy (aggressive, quarrelsome)
- Screeching (harsh-sounding)
- Scrawny (excessively thin in an unhealthy way)
- Screwed-up (messed up, dysfunctional)
- Seedy (dirty, sketchy, or disreputable)
- Self-centered
- Self-destructive
- Selfish
- Senseless (lacking reason, foolish)
- Severe
- Shabby
- Shadowy (suspicious, untrustworthy)
- Shaky (unstable, unreliable)
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Shifty (untrustworthy, sneaky)
- Shocking
- Short-tempered
- Shoddy (poorly made, low quality)
- Sickly
- Silly (when used negatively to mean foolish)
- Sinister
- Skeptical (when excessively doubtful)
- Skewed (distorted, biased)
- Skimpy (lacking in amount or quality)
- Sloppy
- Sluggish
- Smelly
- Smug
- Snarky
- Sneaky
- Snobby
- Snooty
- Snotty
- Soft-headed (easily fooled, lacking intelligence)
- Solitary (when implying loneliness or isolation)
- Sore (irritated, painful, or bitter)
- Soulless
- Spineless
- Spoiled
- Spiteful
- Squalid (filthy, neglected)
- Squandered (wasted, misused)
- Squeaky (annoyingly high-pitched)
- Squeamish (overly sensitive, easily disgusted)
- Stale (boring, unoriginal)
- Standoffish (cold, distant)
- Starving (when used metaphorically to mean deprived)
- Stiff (rigid, inflexible in a bad way)
- Stifling (oppressive, suffocating)
- Stinky
- Stodgy (dull, boring)
- Strained (tense, awkward)
- Strange (when meaning unsettling or creepy)
- Struggling
- Stubborn
- Stuffy (overly formal, lacking fresh air)
- Stupid
- Stunted (prevented from growing or developing)
- Submissive (in a weak, unhealthy way)
- Subpar
- Suffering
- Suffocating (oppressive, overwhelming)
- Sulky
- Sullen
- Superficial (shallow, lacking depth)
- Superstitious (irrational, overly believing in myths)
- Suppressed (held back unfairly)
- Suspicious
- Sweltering (uncomfortably hot)
- Swollen (puffed up, irritated)
- Sycophantic (excessively flattering in a fake way)
- Syphilitic (diseased, unhealthy)