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- Lacking
- Lackluster
- Lame
- Lamentable
- Languid
- Languishing
- Lazy
- Leaky
- Lean (in an unhealthy or insufficient way)
- Leering
- Leftover (in an unwanted way)
- Lethal
- Lethargic
- Lifeless
- Light-headed
- Limiting
- Limp
- Livid
- Loathsome
- Lonely
- Long-winded
- Lopsided
- Lost
- Low
- Low-grade
- Lowly
- Lousy
- Ludicrous
- Lukewarm
- Lunatic
- Lurid
- Lurking
- Lusterless
- Lying
- Lackadaisical
- Lack-brained
- Lackadaisical-minded
- Lamebrained
- Lampooned
- Lanky (in a clumsy way)
- Larcenous
- Late-blooming (in a disappointing way)
- Lethargically-slow
- Leaden (dull, heavy)
- Low-ranking (in a degrading way)
- Low-class
- Lawless
- Lopsidedly-built
- Lousy-smelling
- Lifelessly-uninspired
- Ludicrously-overdone
- Lustless
- Lethally-dangerous
- Laughable (in a mocking way)
- Listless
- Long-faced (sad or disappointed)
- Loose-lipped (careless with secrets)
- Loutish (uncouth, rude)
- Lumbering (awkward in movement)
- Limited-minded
- Lousy-quality
- Leftover-looking (old or stale)
- Low-spirited
- Lifeless-sounding
- Lurkingly-suspicious
- Lack-of-depth
- Lack-of-discipline
- Lack-of-emotion
- Lack-of-experience
- Lack-of-judgment
- Lack-of-morality
- Lack-of-patience
- Lack-of-respect
- Lack-of-talent
- Lethargically-drawn-out
- Lingering (in a bad way)
- Luridly-displayed
- Listlessly-boring
- Longing (in a desperate way)
- Lopsidedly-unfair
- Loosely-defined (confusing, vague)
- Lackadaisically-approached
- Laughably-bad
- Lame-duck (ineffective, powerless)
- Lingeringly-annoying
- Limited-capacity
- Lax (too careless)
- Low-effort
- Lazy-eyed (in an unfocused way)
- Low-functioning
- Long-shot (unlikely to succeed)
- Lifeless-existence
- Ludicrously-exaggerated
- Lopsided-agreement
- Left-behind (forgotten, neglected)
- Limp-wristed (weak, lacking strength)
- Loathly (reluctant or detestable)
- Lopsidedness (in fairness or ability)
- Lowbrow (crude, lacking sophistication)
- Lackwit (foolish, unintelligent)