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- Kafkaesque (nightmarishly complex or illogical)
- Knavish (dishonest or deceitful)
- Kaput (broken, useless)
- Kooky (weird in an unsettling way)
- Klutzy (clumsy, awkward)
- Knobby (unpleasantly bumpy or rough)
- Knotty (difficult, problematic)
- Kinetic (restless, hyperactive in an uncontrolled way)
- Kitschy (cheaply flashy or in poor taste)
- Killing (exhausting, unbearable)
- Kidnappable (vulnerable, easy to abduct)
- Kinky (twisted or abnormal in a disturbing way)
- Keen-edged (cutting or harsh in speech)
- Knuckle-headed (foolish, unintelligent)
- Knee-jerk (reacting without thinking)
- Knockabout (rough, disorderly)
- Knock-kneed (weak or unsteady)
- Killjoy (joyless, spoiling fun)
- Know-it-all (annoyingly self-important)
- Knavery-prone (tending towards trickery)
- Klutz-prone (clumsy and accident-prone)
- Kindless (lacking kindness)
- Knot-headed (stubborn, thick-headed)
- Kicking (in a violent or aggressive way)
- Kicking-and-screaming (resisting stubbornly)
- Killer (dangerous, harmful)
- Knocked-out (exhausted, incapacitated)
- Kleptomaniac (compulsively stealing)
- Kingly (in an arrogant way)
- Knavish-hearted (deceitful at heart)
- Kerfuffled (confused, chaotic)
- Kicking-against-the-pricks (rebelling pointlessly)
- Kittenish (immature or childish)
- Kettle-black (hypocritical, accusing others of faults you have)
- Kaleidoscopic (confusingly ever-changing)
- Knock-off (cheap and fake)
- Krabby (moody, grouchy)
- Kneecapped (crippled, hindered)
- Karmic-punishing (facing bad consequences)
- Keening (wailing or sorrowful)
- Kiss-up (excessively flattering in a fake way)
- Knackered (exhausted, worn out)
- Kooky-minded (eccentric in an off-putting way)
- Knockback-heavy (full of setbacks)
- Kicked-down (mistreated, downtrodden)
- Knottily-argued (complicated in a frustrating way)
- Knavishly-intended (meant to deceive)
- Kaput-logic (broken or senseless reasoning)
- Kicked-around (treated poorly)
- Killingly-boring (extremely dull)