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- Xantus’s Hummingbird
- Xenops
- Xeme (another name for the Sabine’s Gull)
- Xantus’s Murrelet
- Xenopsaris
- Xantus’s Beardless-Tyrannulet
- Xenicus
- Xenorhynchus
- Xenicidae (family name for New Zealand Wrens)
- Xenospiza
- Xenicus longipes (extinct bird species)
- Xenicidae (a family of birds endemic to New Zealand)
- Xantus’s Murrelet
- Xenocopsychus
- Xenodacnis
- Xenicus lyalli (extinct bird species)
- Xenospingus
- Xenosaga
- Xenocopsychus ansorgei (species of bushshrike)
- Xenosaurus
- Xenops milleri (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenopipo
- Xenopipo unicolor (species of manakin)
- Xenopipo atrogularis (species of manakin)
- Xenopipo flavicapilla (species of manakin)
- Xenopipo nigriceps (species of manakin)
- Xenopsaris albinucha (species of tanager)
- Xenopsaris flaviventris (species of tanager)
- Xenops minutus (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenops rutilans (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenopsaris albinucha (species of tanager)
- Xenopsaris flaviventris (species of tanager)
- Xenops minutus (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenops rutilans (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenopsaris flaviventris (species of tanager)
- Xenops minutus (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenops rutilans (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenopsaris flaviventris (species of tanager)
- Xenops minutus (species of woodcreeper)
- Xenops rutilans (species of woodcreeper)