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- Gabon Shrimp
- Galápagos Bullhead Shark
- Galápagos Fur Seal
- Galápagos Penguin
- Galápagos Sea Lion
- Galeus (a genus of catsharks)
- Ganges River Dolphin
- Garden Eel
- Garibaldi Fish
- Garnet Prawn
- Gaspereau (Alewife Fish)
- Geoduck Clam
- Ghost Crab
- Ghost Flathead
- Ghost Goby
- Ghost Pipefish
- Ghost Shark
- Ghost Shrimp
- Giant Arctic Jellyfish
- Giant Clam
- Giant Guitarfish
- Giant Isopod
- Giant Jellyfish
- Giant Manta Ray
- Giant Moray Eel
- Giant Oarfish
- Giant Oceanic Manta Ray
- Giant Pacific Octopus
- Giant Red Sea Star
- Giant Sea Bass
- Giant Sea Hare
- Giant Sea Spider
- Giant Squid
- Giant Trevally
- Giant Tube Worm
- Giant Whelk
- Gibberfish
- Gilthead Seabream
- Glass Catfish
- Glass Eel
- Glass Squid
- Glassfish
- Glaucus Atlanticus (Blue Dragon Sea Slug)
- Glaucous Macropinna
- Glow Shark
- Glow Worm (marine species)
- Goatfish
- Goblin Shark
- Goblinfish
- Goby Fish
- Golden Cownose Ray
- Golden Trevally
- Goliath Grouper
- Goliath Tigerfish
- Goose Barnacle
- Gorgonian Coral
- Granulated Sea Star
- Gray Angelfish
- Gray Reef Shark
- Gray Whale
- Great Barracuda
- Great Hammerhead Shark
- Great White Shark
- Green Chromis
- Green Moray Eel
- Green Sea Anemone
- Green Sea Turtle
- Green Spotted Puffer
- Green Sunfish
- Greenland Cod
- Greenland Halibut
- Greenland Shark
- Grouper
- Guineafowl Pufferfish
- Gulper Eel
- Gurnard
- Gurnard Perch