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- Cachalot (Sperm Whale)
- California Halibut
- California Sea Cucumber
- California Sea Lion
- California Sheephead
- California Spiny Lobster
- Camouflage Grouper
- Candlefish
- Candy Crab
- Candy Stripe Shrimp
- Cape Elephant Fish
- Cape Horse Mackerel
- Cape Lobster
- Cape Rock Crab
- Cape Rock Lobster
- Capelin
- Cardinalfish
- Caribbean Box Jellyfish
- Caribbean Parrotfish
- Caribbean Reef Octopus
- Caribbean Reef Shark
- Caribbean Spiny Lobster
- Caribbean Starfish
- Carpet Shark
- Carpet Sole
- Carpet Anemone
- Catfish
- Cavefish
- Centipede Starfish
- Cephalopod
- Chain Catshark
- Chambered Nautilus
- Chilean Seabass
- Chinese Horseshoe Crab
- Chinese Sturgeon
- Chocolate Chip Starfish
- Christmas Island Red Crab
- Christmas Tree Worm
- Cigar Shark
- Cigar Wrasse
- Clam
- Clearfin Lionfish
- Clearfin Parrotfish
- Clingfish
- Cloudy Catshark
- Cobia
- Cochran’s Glass Catfish
- Cockatoo Waspfish
- Cockle
- Coelacanth
- Colossal Squid
- Comb Jelly
- Common Bottlenose Dolphin
- Common Cuttlefish
- Common Dolphinfish (Mahi-Mahi)
- Common Fangtooth
- Common Jellyfish
- Common Octopus
- Common Seahorse
- Common Skate
- Common Sole
- Common Starfish
- Common Stingray
- Common Sunfish (Mola Mola)
- Common Whelk
- Cone Snail
- Convict Surgeonfish
- Convict Cichlid
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Coolie Loach
- Copepod
- Coral Catshark
- Coral Crab
- Coral Grouper
- Coral Polyps
- Coral Shrimp
- Coral Trout
- Coral Rabbitfish
- Cowfish
- Cowrie
- Crab
- Crayfish
- Crested Oyster Goby
- Crested Morwong
- Crested Toadfish
- Crocodile Icefish
- Crocodile Shark
- Crocodile Toothfish
- Crown Jellyfish
- Crown of Thorns Starfish
- Cuban Hogfish
- Cuckoo Wrasse
- Cuttlefish
- Cyan Sea Slug
- Cyclothone (Bristlemouth Fish)
- Cyclopterus (Lumpfish)
- Cyprinid Loach