- Abalone
- Acadian Redfish
- Acanthurus (a genus of surgeonfish)
- Achirus (a type of flatfish)
- Acorn Barnacle
- Adélie Penguin (spends much of its life at sea)
- Adriatic Sturgeon
- African Glass Catfish
- African Lungfish
- Alaska Pollock
- Albacore Tuna
- Algae Eater
- Alligator Gar (partly aquatic, found in brackish waters)
- Amphipod (tiny crustaceans)
- Anchovy
- Andaman Sea Snail
- Anemone Crab
- Anemone Shrimp
- Angelfish (both freshwater and marine species exist)
- Anglerfish
- Antarctic Cod
- Antarctic Icefish
- Antarctic Krill
- Antenna Crab
- Aphid Shrimp
- Aplysia (a type of sea slug)
- Arabian Carpet Shark
- Arctic Char
- Arctic Cod
- Arctic Grayling
- Argentine Croaker
- Argentine Hake
- Argentine Red Shrimp
- Armored Catfish
- Armored Sea Robin
- Arrow Crab
- Arrow Squid
- Asian Arowana
- Asian Clam
- Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
- Atlantic Bonito
- Atlantic Cod
- Atlantic Goliath Grouper
- Atlantic Herring
- Atlantic Mackerel
- Atlantic Needlefish
- Atlantic Salmon
- Atlantic Sea Cucumber
- Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
- Atlantic Silverside
- Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
- Atlantic Sturgeon
- Atlantic Tarpon
- Atlantic Wolffish
- Australian Flathead Perch
- Australian Ghost Shark
- Australian Herring
- Australian Lungfish
- Australian Marbled Catshark
- Australian Swellshark
- Austrocochlea (a genus of marine snails)
- Azure Damselfish
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