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- Rabid (extremely fanatical or violent)
- Racist (discriminatory based on race)
- Ragged (torn, worn-out, or messy)
- Raging (furious, out of control)
- Rambunctious (wildly uncontrollable or disruptive)
- Rampant (spreading unchecked in a bad way)
- Rank (foul-smelling or offensive)
- Rash (acting without thinking, reckless)
- Raucous (loud and harsh-sounding)
- Ravaged (destroyed, ruined)
- Raving (wild, irrational, or crazy)
- Rebellious (disobedient, hard to control)
- Recalcitrant (stubbornly refusing to obey)
- Reckless (careless, without thinking of consequences)
- Reclusive (withdrawn in a negative way)
- Recondite (hard to understand, obscure)
- Redundant (unnecessarily repetitive, excessive)
- Refutable (able to be disproven, weak in argument)
- Regrettable (causing regret or disappointment)
- Regressive (moving backward in progress)
- Rejection-filled (constantly being denied or turned away)
- Relentless (harsh and unyielding)
- Remorseless (without guilt or regret)
- Repellent (disgusting, driving people away)
- Reprehensible (shameful, deserving blame)
- Repressive (restrictive, controlling)
- Repugnant (extremely offensive or disgusting)
- Repulsive (highly unpleasant, gross)
- Resentful (holding grudges, bitter)
- Resistant (opposing in a stubborn way)
- Restless (unable to relax, constantly uneasy)
- Reticent (unwilling to speak, secretive)
- Retiring (shy and avoiding interaction)
- Revolting (disgusting, causing strong dislike)
- Rigid (inflexible, unable to adapt)
- Ridiculous (foolish, absurd in a bad way)
- Riled-up (angry, irritated)
- Riotous (wild, out of control)
- Risky (dangerous, full of potential harm)
- Robotic (emotionless, mechanical)
- Rotten (spoiled, corrupted, bad)
- Rough (harsh, aggressive, unpolished)
- Rude (impolite, disrespectful)
- Ruinous (causing destruction or great harm)
- Ruthless (merciless, showing no pity)
- Ransacked (pillaged, looted, or completely messed up)
- Rashly-judgmental (quick to criticize unfairly)
- Rancid (having a foul smell, often referring to spoiled food)
- Ranting (angrily speaking in a wild way)
- Rankled (filled with long-term irritation or resentment)