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- Painful
- Pale (when referring to something lifeless or sickly)
- Paranoid
- Pathetic
- Passive-aggressive
- Pessimistic
- Petty
- Perilous
- Pernicious
- Perplexing
- Perverse
- Pesky
- Pestilent
- Pitiable
- Pitiful
- Poisonous
- Poor
- Pretentious
- Prejudiced
- Presumptuous
- Problematic
- Procrastinating
- Profane
- Profligate
- Promiscuous (when referring to reckless or inappropriate behavior)
- Propagandistic
- Pugnacious
- Punitive
- Pusillanimous (cowardly)
- Putrid
- Pushy
- Pompous
- Painstaking (when overly tedious)
- Paltry
- Pandering
- Panicky
- Parasitic
- Partial (when unfair or biased)
- Passionless
- Pathetically weak
- Patronizing
- Peckish (when used to mean irritable)
- Pedantic (overly concerned with minor details)
- Peevish
- Perfidious (deceitful, untrustworthy)
- Perfunctory (carried out with no effort or care)
- Perilous
- Permanently damaged
- Permissive (when overly lenient in a bad way)
- Pernickety (fussy or difficult to please)
- Persecuting
- Persnickety
- Pestering
- Petulant
- Phony
- Piddling
- Pig-headed
- Pitiable
- Plodding
- Pointless
- Poisoned (when describing a toxic situation)
- Polarizing
- Poorly-made
- Poorly-planned
- Poorly-thought-out
- Posturing
- Power-hungry
- Powerless
- Predictable (when dull or uninspired)
- Preoccupied (when inattentive)
- Presumptive (assuming too much)
- Preposterous
- Pressured
- Prevaricating (deceitful)
- Primitive (when outdated or crude)
- Prodigal (wastefully extravagant)
- Profane
- Profoundly flawed
- Prohibitive (excessively restrictive)
- Prolonged (when unnecessarily extended)
- Promiscuous (in a reckless or careless way)
- Propagandistic
- Prosaic (dull, unimaginative)
- Protracted
- Provocative (when irritating or offensive)
- Prudish
- Puerile (childishly silly)
- Puffed-up
- Puny
- Pus-filled (when describing something disgusting)
- Pushover (when weak or easily manipulated)
- Put-down (insulting)
- Putrefied
- Putrescent
- Pyromaniacal (when destructive)
- Pitiably small
- Pitiably weak
- Pompously arrogant
- Painfully slow
- Perennially unsuccessful